Monday, September 9, 2013

FBLA Student Sign Ups

Please fill out this form to join FBLA. You will also need to get a check for $35 to Mr. Crider by September 30th.

Friday, February 15, 2013

Web Page Design Week 5 Assignments

This week we will wrap up the assignments from last week and begin to look at quality design principles. 
You should have completed Lessons 1-6 by the end of class on Tuesday. 

1. Tuesday
Finish Lesson 6

2. Review Lessons 1-6
We will go over the key points to these and maybe even take a quiz!

3. Review design principles for quality web sites. 
Web Typography from Web Monkey

4. Continue with Lessons 7-8 and begin to break into groups for website project 1. 
Lesson 7-
Lesson 8-

Microsoft Office: Week 5 Assignments

This week we will continue to work with Word 2007. We will wrap up our research paper and start our newsletter/brochures.

1. Tuesday we will finish our research papers and upload to Moodle, if available, or print. Make sure to check the rubric to make sure that you have all parts of the project completed.

2. Wednesday we will begin the newsletter/brochures. I will go over the different tools that will be needed for each of these. Then we will select one or the other to complete and get to work on creating them.

This should take us to the end of the week.

How to Create a Newsletter in Word 2007

How to Create a Brochure in Word 2007

International Business Week 5 Assignments

This week we will using my blog for posting of weekly assignments. I am not sure yet how i will have everyone post assignments but we will cross that bridge when we get there.

This week we will continue with our country research as well and delve deeper into the Flat Classroom Project.  Here are the items we will be covering this week.

1. Wrap up the Country One Project and present.
2. Join the FCP  Wiki,
Make sure to use the same naming convention that you used on the ning, BobB_FRSH
3. We will watch the Thomas Friedman video from his MIT Lecture. Take notes on this lecture and record the big ideas from watching this video. Please post to this wall five things from this video that you found interesting, had a question about, or wanted more information about. 

4. We will select which of the topics we will be using from the Dan Pink book A Whole New Mind and begin to break those sections down. We will complete a BDA Reading/Writing Activity for this as well.

5. We will be setting up a Diigo account and connecting to the FCP Group.

6. We will be watching the video Growing Up Online and discuss creating a Positive Digital Footprint. And we will be watching OverExposed!


7. Dan Pink Right Brain Rising
8. Dan Pink Right Brain Rising 2

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Friday, December 16, 2011

Flat Classroom Project

My 3rd Period International Business class participated in the Flat Classroom Project. This project allows students from all over the world to collaborate on an online video project. It was difficult but a great learning experience for all of us.

Here are the links to the Flat Classroom Ning and Wiki.

Student Summit
At the end of the project as a reflective activity the student participated in the Student Summits. Each student was required to create one PowerPoint slide and speak about their experience with the project.
Here is the recording of the summit.

Awards Ceremony

Slideshow of the Awards Ceremony

Alyssa Boren won an Special Mention for her video The Youtube Effect